Acute cerebellar ataxia : Is a sudden un-co-ordinated muscle movement to disease/injury of cerebellum May occur in children ,particularly younger than 3,lasts upto several days or weeks,after a viral infection . Cause: viral infections( chickenpox, echovirus ) Other causes include: Abscess of cerebellum. Alcohol, medicine, insecticides or illicit drugs. Bleeding into the cerebellum . Multiple sclerosis . Strokes of cerebellum. Vaccination. Trauma of head/neck Para-neo-plastic disorders (certain diseases associated with specific cancers). Symptoms: Mainly trunk &limbs movements are affected. Dysarthria: clumsy speech pattern. Nystagmus: repetitive eye movement;un-co-ordinated eye movement. Un-steady gaits: walking problems which may lead to fall. Diagnosis: The health care provider may ask:if the person has recently been sick. Following tests may be needed:...